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In Demand!

CEPE171  –  Problem Solving and Continuous Improvement

Broaden your understanding of practical problem solving and continuous improvement in the workplace! This workshop will introduce you to an eight-step problem solving methodology that can help you achieve real problem-solving results. Using an interactive, outcome-focused approach, we will blend individual and team methods for problem identification, clarification, root-cause analysis and solution. The workshop offers a dynamic blend of instructor presentation, on-the-job application, and skill practice. You will:
    • Shift your perspective on existing workplace problems and begin to see them as opportunities for improvement
    • Learn new methods you can use for a structured approach to problem solving
    • Build skills to clearly understand, state, and get to the root cause of the “real” problem

Date(s) Meeting Day(s) Time Location    
5/17/2024 F 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Ithaca Extension Center Fee: $149.00 Share



CEPE273  –  Managing Multiple Priorities

Contract training for Cayuga Medical Center employees

Additional Info: Everything on your desk a top priority? For managers and supervisors, managing competing priorities can sometimes be a struggle. Learn techniques you can use every day to manage these conflicts, including the urgency index assessment and tools for activity control and prioritization. By eliminating time wasters, ending procrastination, and becoming results-oriented, you can achieve optimum results. Work with our experienced instructor-coach to develop ways you can measure your performance against goals while helping your employees improve their time management skills. You will: • Develop your understanding of how to use influence and persuasion to positively facilitate the development of higher functioning work teams • Learn to leverage an understanding of Strengths-based skill development to create optimal productivity among work teams • Develop practical skills in managing priorities, self-management, and delegation to maximize overall productivity

Date(s) Meeting Day(s) Time Location    
5/31/2024 F 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Ithaca Extension Center Fee: $149.00 Share



Must Have!

CEPE587  –  Emotional Intelligence: Adding EQ to Your IQ

Explore the components of emotional intelligence (EQ), which has been identified as an essential feature of supervisor success. Strengthening your EQ will enable you to improve results and foster stronger relationships across all levels of the workplace. Topics include specific communication skills that support EQ, and opportunities to apply these skills to typical workplace scenarios. Complete an assessment to evaluate your EQ and set goals to increase your effectiveness. You will:
    • Identify the components of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
    • Describe the benefits of EQ to supervisors in the workplace
    • Complete an EQ assessment
    • Demonstrate communication skills that support EQ
    • Explain the role of nonverbal communication in EQ
    • Apply EQ skills to typical workplace scenarios
    • Describe the role of EQ in addressing workplace negativity and low morale
    • Set goals to improve personal EQ

Date(s) Meeting Day(s) Time Location    
5/3/2024 F 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Ithaca Extension Center Fee: $149.00 Share



CEPE162  –  Stepping into Supervision

Develop insight into and build the skills that are essential to the supervisor role, using an engagement-based approach that is suited to today’s workplace. Learn how to build relationships with employees as well as set appropriate boundaries, avoid favoritism, and practice fairness and consistency. Explore the value of diversity and inclusion for your team and develop skills to identify and work through hidden bias that holds back your team and its individual members. Build skills in delegating work effectively and ensuring that expectations are conveyed and understood clearly. You will:
    • Describe the shift from command-and-control to engagement-based supervision
    • Identify the importance of establishing employee relationships and boundaries
    • Demonstrate consistency with direct reports
    • Describe the value of diversity and inclusion to employees, the team, and the organization
    • Identify implicit bias along with skills to work through it
    • Delegate tasks effectively
    • Communicate clear expectations that are understood by the employee

No currently scheduled courses available, Contact Biz for more information



CEPE164  –  Stepping up to the Next Level: Coaching Skills for Supervisors

In today’s workplace, both supervisors and employees benefit from a coaching approach. You will learn how coaching supports adult learning and retention, and how it aligns with engagement-based supervision, which emphasizes clear, effective dialogue with a goal of fostering growth and independence. You will explore goal-setting and communication skills that are important to coaching: adapting to the employee’s style, practicing active listening, asking powerful questions, and giving, redirecting, and reinforcing feedback. You will:
    • Define coaching and its role in effective supervision
    • Use appropriate learning style-based techniques to adapt your approach to support improved employee performance
    • Set SMART goals with employees to define clear expectations and provide a basis for objective feedback
    • Practice active listening to better understand facts and feelings, as well as content and intent
    • Use engaging questions in coaching to promote growth and independence
    • Use dialogue-based feedback that both redirects and reinforces to foster more effective employee learning
    • Create an action plan to improve supervisor coaching skills

No currently scheduled courses available, Contact Biz for more information



Save training $$$ when you enroll in all five classes!

CEPE589  –  5-Part Frontline Development Series for Supervisors

As a supervisor, you have the most direct contact with employees. Your skills are critical to engaging with employees to increase their productivity and job satisfaction. Whether you are an employee who aspires to transition to a supervisory role, a new supervisor, or a seasoned supervisor who needs a boost and refresher, you’ll gain the skills and confidence you need to support and guide your team. Workshop sessions:
    • Stepping Into Supervision
    • Stepping up to the Next Level: Coaching Skills for Supervisors
    • Emotional Intelligence: Adding EQ to Your IQ
    • Problem Solving and Continuous Improvement
    • Managing Multiple Priorities

No currently scheduled courses available, Contact Biz for more information



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